Imagine hosting an event or launching a new store, and wanting to create a unique and memorable experience for your guests or customers. You want to enhance the ambiance of the space, and provide a visual focal point that draws people in and encourages them to engage with your products or services. That's where our rental mirrors come in.

Our mirrors are not just functional, but also visually appealing and attention-grabbing. Placed strategically, they can enhance the overall atmosphere of your event or store, and provide an added element of interest that sets you apart from the competition. Customers will be drawn to the mirrors, taking photos and sharing them on social media, generating buzz and increasing exposure for your brand.

But the benefits of our mirrors don't stop there. Customers can also use them to view themselves and the products they're interested in, helping them to better identify with and connect to your brand. This can lead to increased engagement and sales, as customers are more likely to make a purchase when they feel a connection to the products they're viewing.

So whether you're hosting a weekend pop-up or need a rental for a longer period of time, our mirrors can help elevate your event or store to the next level. Don't miss out on the opportunity to create a truly unique and memorable experience for your guests or customers.

  • DAY

    Rent a mirror for a day or longer.

    Starting from €35/day

    Request a quote for your event.


    Rent a mirror for a month or longer.

    Starting from €100/month

    Request a quote for your event.

  • YEAR

    Rent a mirror for a year.

    Get a free color switch with a new year subscription.

    Starting from €65/month

    Request a quote for your event.